Tuesday, June 1, 2010

manner of the soul

five senses make a human.but when it was raining that night i sensed the air with a sense that doesn't count among the five.it was raining..like it rains at home..a near tropical rain with rumbling clouds and nimble lightning.i could hear nothing but the rain.it fell,splattering;the drops merging into one another;and my whole world sank into a deep wetness as the rain seeped deeper into the pores of the earth,of the leaves and blended into the air.if i could only reach out and melt into the earth,whirl into the wind,sink into the pores of the verdant leaves..if i could only leave this physical existence of mere earthly value..if only i could leave behind this restricting shell of organic composition i could find the self that is real,that is living,that is conscious with more than five senses.a self that knows what the earth feels when rain soaks into her being with all its love,that knows how a flower blooms with the rays of the sun,that resides in a thunderstorm and sees it unfold.the night was meditating like an ancient banyan in the dark,i was resting in its shade not a drop of rain on me,still, i could reach out and get soaked through my soul.and as the senses collected into a supreme consciousness,through a flash of lightning i could see that nothing exists but the soul,and the senses live as rays of light refracting through this prism,and that is how i perceive the world through my senses,and ultimately as my soul perceives it.and that is all that lives and never dies..the soul.

1 comment:

  1. very true its is the soul that lives on all else.. is a mere garment that we are required to wear.... to be changed/discarded once its purpose is served... much like as we transition through the various phases of life to reach the unknown sphere. What is appropriate for one, may not be so for the other.. :)
